Birthday of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera celebrated in Lviv, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk; Svoboda MP Tyahnybok urges designation as “Hero of Ukraine”

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January 1, 2015
Tyahnybok urges return to Bandera the title “Hero of Ukraine
Тягнибок закликав повернути Бандері звання Героя України

Leader of the party “Svoboda” Oleg Tyahnybok calls on the authorities to return the title Hero of Ukraine to the leader of Ukrainian nationalists Stepan Bandera.

[Svoboda Party was previously named the Social-National Party of Ukraine (Соціал-національна партія України)]

He told this 1 January to Independence Square in Kiev in the Chamber, dedicated to 106th anniversary of the birth of Bandera. “Today’s authorities are obliged to return the decree conferring the title of Hero of Ukraine to Stepan Bandera, which was abolished by Yanukovych,” – said Tyahnybok. According to him, this should be done, because during the war Bandera was a hero for the whole Ukrainian nation.

January 1 in Kiev there was a torchlight procession in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Bandera, after which at the Independence Square held council, which completed the prayer “Our Father” and performance of the anthem Ukraine. During the council spoke leaders of “Svoboda” and leadership “Right Sector” and the soldiers of the battalion OUN, which is fighting in eastern Ukraine in Donetsk region Sands.

Participants in their speeches remembered all those who died for Ukraine, who fell in the struggle for freedom and independence, for the sovereignty of our country.

Participants of the action believe that the Revolution of Dignity is not over and that Ukraine must continue the fight against the fifth column and supporters of Moscow. Furthermore the protesters supported the establishment of Ukraine in a local church. Also in Lviv during the day about 1000 supporters of “Svoboda” held a torchlight procession about the 106 anniversary of the birth of the OUN leader.

Ukrainian news “UNIAN

In Dnepropetrovsk also honored Bandera
У Дніпропетровську теж вшанували Бандеру

In Dnepropetrovsk on Thursday evening celebrated the birthday of Stepan Bandera. The event, initiated by activists of the local branch of the “Freedom” gathered several hundred people, mostly patriotic youth, reports “Radio Liberty”. Participants marched solemn procession carrying blue and yellow and red and black flags from European Square to the park named Lazarus Globa. olodi people holding a portrait of Bandera and a banner reading “Bandera – our hero, Intercession – our holiday.”

Participants march chanted “Bandera, Shukhevych – Heroes of Ukraine”, “UPA – state recognition!” “Glory to Ukraine! Glory Heroes!” and so on.

During the march they also sang patriotic songs and lit flares. “We did not do heavy advertising this event wanted mark the birthday of Bandera in a an intimate circle,” – said action coordinator Cyril Dorolenko.

We wanted to show that in Dnipropetrovsk are patriotic young people who come January 1 even sober, healthy, nationalistic to the European Square that Ukrainian people who are walking, resting, saw that the name of Stepan Bandera was “exclamation”. Now, most Ukrainian patriots are called “Banderites”, he added.

Police without interfering, accompanied the activists’ progress. January 1 Bandera was also honored in Lviv and Kiev.

Stepan Bandera born on January 1, 1909 in the village of Old Uhryniv Kalush district, Ivano-Frankivsk. Died October 15, 1959 in Munich at the hands of the KGB agent Bogdan Stashinskogo.


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