As a young woman, Victoria Nuland showed her contempt for Ukrainians

Victoria Nuland was in an exchange program and became a counselor at a Soviet children’s camp in Odessa in 1982. One of the ways she amused herself was to throw sunflower seeds into the dirt and laugh at the little Ukrainian children as they picked up and ate the dirty seeds. A Russian girl, also a counselor at the camp, got into a fight with her because of Nuland’s treatment of those children.

Victoria Nuland despises Ukrainians.

Did she laugh last year while they were burned alive, beaten, raped, killed, dismembered in Maidan and Odessa?

Ukrainian Banderites, do you think she is loyal to you? Do you think she actually believes in your cause? You are only pawns in the cynical game of the US and NATO. For years, they have been fueling your violence and inflaming your hatred. Those are their tools so they don’t have to dirty their hands.

Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, John McCain, David Cameron, Benjamin Netanyahu throw biscuits and dollars into the dirt for you today while they laugh, but beware: they are already planning the night of the long knives after they are finished amusing themselves.

What Nuland plans for anti-maidan protestors today, she is already planning for you. Nuland’s loyalty, goals, and objectives are for people you do not see — the weathy, the giant corporations, the bankers.

Do you think the pensions, prices, bank collapses, and disappearing jobs will only affect others? Nuland and her friends are destroying Ukraine – the long death – so that Ukraine can be taken by Western pirates. They want Ukraine for themselves and the few oligarchs they have bought and can control.

What the West is afraid of is Slavic unity, Slavic pride, and Slavic ancient traditions. Western conquerors are afraid of all the ancient people, their earth ethics and wisdom, afraid of their voices joining together in friendship, respect, harmony, and power. These conquerors divide and conquer in country after country, and bring in new “Western” ways to woo you from your birthright powers, knowledge, and traditions. They want to silence these ancient ways, so that they can rape and pillage the earth and enslave all the people.

Will you continue to kill your Russian friends,  your Russian brothers and sisters, who are your blood relatives, and favor Western traitors and predators that have always used you? Will you continue to support your Bandera of death and remain people of violence and hatred?

Or will you leave this darkness and insanity, embrace your Slavic and human brothers and sisters, and support life, family, and community for all in Ukraine and everywhere?

From Fort Russ

April 20, 2015
Translated by Krisitna RusVictoria Nuland was beaten up in a Soviet summer camp “Young Guard”

Russian writer Inna Metelskaya-Sheremetyeva shared memories on her Facebook page about the fight with Victoria Nuland. The story happened in Odessa in 1982 at a summer camp where an American girl came to work as a counselor. Future official representative of the U.S. State Department had to pay for the mockery of Ukrainian kids.

“In 1982 I worked in Odessa at a youth summer camp “Young Guard”. And, I confess, there I had a bloody fight with another American girl, also a counselor on exchange program, who amused herself by throwing sunflower seeds in the dust and laughing, watching Ukrainian kids picking up and eating the dirty seeds. I was kicked out of the camp for the fight and was officially reprimanded by Comsomol (youth communist organisation). I remembered her name “Vicky” for the rest of my life,” – said Inna Metelskaya-Sheremetyeva on Facebook.

However, despite the harsh decision of the administration of the camp, Inna has no regrets about her actions.

“And today I was surprised to read in the biography of Victoria Nuland, that in 1982, she worked as a counselor on exchange in the “Young Guard” and kept very negative impressions about the Soviet Union …  I did not regret the fight then and do not regret it now,” – wrote Metelskaya-Sheremetyeva.

Inna Metelskaya-Sheremetyeva – is a Russian writer, author of a series of books “Shards of Civilizations”.

One thought on “As a young woman, Victoria Nuland showed her contempt for Ukrainians

  1. If you want to see some more scum, check out her husband Robert Kagan and the Project for a New American Century. Their paper Rebuilding America’s Defenses is signed by people who are truly the most suspicious suspects of the 9/11 false-flag attack. No false-flag, no “War on Terror” and no carte blanche for the State Dept. to destroy countries like Ukraine.

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